Women Leaders in Colorado Public Education

March 26, 2021

As CEI commemorates Women’s History Month in 2021, we recognize the increasing number of women serving in leadership roles in Colorado’s PK-12 education landscape. We checked in with several of our partner districts to learn how these women have navigated the havoc that COVID-19 presented, and what lies ahead. What we found was uplifting – an unwavering commitment to meeting the needs of all students, extending beyond academics, and an enthusiastic voice of support from those who work side-by-side with these leaders.

Q & A with Harrison School District Leaders

Dr. Wendy Birhanzel and Shelley Becker

Harrison School District Superintendent Wendy Birhanzel and Assistant Superintendent of Business Services/Chief Financial Officer Shelley Becker shared some of their experiences managing the district that has an enrollment of almost 12,000 students. Harrison is located in Colorado Springs, and is the second oldest district in El Paso County. Read the interview here

Board of Education Spotlight

The Cañon City Schools Board of Education consists of five individuals, including three women. This dynamic group has consistently demonstrated their commitment to the district’s vision of Learning for Life. Their work was publicly recognized earlier this month when the district received the Member of the Year award from the Cañon City Chamber of Commerce. Board President Shad Johnson and Superintendent George Welsh share how they have observed this commitment in the Board’s Vice President Mary Kay Evans, Secretary Robin Reese, and Treasurer Beth Gaffney.

Mary Kay Evans

Prior to the COVID pandemic, Mary Kay Evans volunteered in our schools, supporting the high school Athletic Booster Club and reading initiatives at Washington Elementary School. Mary Kay was also instrumental in advocating for the implementation of scientifically-based reading intervention processes for struggling readers. Not only did she see the value in securing this training, she also volunteered a week of her time to participate in it and model its importance to our teaching staff. Since the pandemic began, Mary Kay has volunteered to distribute meals and food boxes and has served on multiple Instructional Program Review teams to evaluate, offer supportive advice, and show appreciation to staff for their herculean efforts during this crisis.

George Welsh

Throughout this last year, Mary Kay has done everything possible to to support staff and students. She truly has a remarkable heart for leadership and education, and is always willing to help, from making copies for staff to providing baked goods for each and every meeting.  Her heart for our district is outstanding.

Retired from the field of probation, Mary Kay has come to know some of our families deeply and in the most difficult of times. As a result, she continues to foster relationships with past students and parents.

Shad Johnson

Beth Gaffney

A life-long educator and former administrator, Beth Gaffney has applied her knowledge of how schools work and how teachers interact with children to the district’s navigation of the pandemic. At a time when the district was struggling with key decisions regarding Coronavirus mitigation techniques, Beth advocated for allowing K-4 students to remain unmasked as we opened our schools, while remaining open to requiring masks if evidence suggested doing so was necessary. Leaving K-4 students unmasked is the course the district followed while remaining open for in-person learning all year. To date, we have evidence of just one instance in which there was student-to-student transmission of COVID 19 in this age group.  This approach had a positive impact on student learning and social-emotional wellness!

George Welsh

Beth supports our staff with participation in school reviews and encouragement for all students. As a past principal, she brings a wonderful working knowledge to the board; with her background in education we get some true insight into how to craft policy and think about students and staff during the pandemic. She is great at bringing insight into the “why” of what we do, and who will is benefit.

Beth has many years of educational background in our community. Focusing on what’s best for kids is in her heart forward and backward.  She knows and understands our families which is so helpful. It is super to have that working insight as a board member for all of us!

Shad Johnson

Robin Reeser

Robin Reeser is the board’s resident financial expert.  As the pandemic began, she advocated for a highly conservative approach to budgeting and staffing for the 20-21 school year. When it became apparent that federal dollars could be spent in a manner in which much of our state budget cuts could be backfilled, she advocated to award experience steps to all staff, cover all increased costs to health care, and provide staff with one-time holiday pay bonuses should proposition EE pass. All of these were accomplished, indicating Robin’s high esteem for educators and a desire to reward them for the incredible work they have done to keep the doors open to our schools during the crisis.

George Welsh

Robin has not skipped a beat in supporting our students and staff, not only with her involvement on the board, but within our community. She makes sure we are following guidelines, and that we watch them closely. Robin has not only has been an educator, but also an accountant. As a result, we can learn from a teacher perspective and an accountant about how to work inside of some interesting economic situations.

Robin has a heart of making sure our kids and their families are kept safe.  She stays in tune with the latest information around the pandemic and then brings it to the board. It is great to see her passion for our families. Throughout the pandemic, Robin has made sure to take care of herself, and remains informed about what we can be doing as a district to help others! 

Shad Johnson