Educators Bring Brainpower to 2017 CEI Showcase

July 14, 2017

July 14, 2017

The 2017 CEI Showcase: Design the Future sparked imaginations and inspired plans for action for the 300-plus educators – many of whom stepped outside of their comfort zone – to explore ideas for meeting the needs of all students in Colorado. The event, held June 28-30 in Keystone, set the stage for teachers and others from the education sector to envision improvements and innovations that increase opportunities for student success.

The 2017 Showcase focused on building mindsets, developing skills, and cultivating a bias toward action, and participants responded with enthusiasm. It was invigorating to witness the gathering of educators as they dove into hands-on activities, excursions, networking, and collaboration to reimagine, inspire, and design the future of student learning.

“The work that is being done, the people organizing and getting this work done and the results that are happening are monumental. I don’t think I can remember a time in education when more opportunity was available for making necessary, child-impacting decisions than right now,” observed Shad Johnson, Cañon City School District Board of Education member.

STEM Design Challenge Jumpstarts Classroom Innovation

2017 STEM Design Challenge

“I ended up thinking about a big three-year project that would never have happened if I had not participated in the STEM Design Challenge.” -Showcase attendee

Seven educators worked throughout three sessions to design classroom projects connected to real-world STEM experiences–projects grounded in rigorous, cross-curricular coursework. Five industry mentors representing aerospace, technology, and cyber security were on hand to brainstorm with participants and infuse their content expertise into the projects. Read full story and meet the winners

See for Yourself!

The exchange of ideas was abundant at Showcase, as pictured in our Facebook photo album. Visit Storify and see inspirations and observations as they unfolded on social media.

Heard around Showcase – Participants Share What They Valued

  • The opportunity to go on an expedition and really be immersed in an activity which can be modified and used in the classroom.
  • The sessions were innovative and on the cutting edge of teaching.
  • The event was high energy and made me feel inspired!
  •  The focus on equity, [and acknowledgment that] failure is not only okay but part of the process.